#76 - Wordsearch Philosophy 2023

or: idk how else i was planning to figure out the vibe of the new year

I came across two different “the first x words you see are your themes for 2023” posts this week and while I didn’t screenshot either of them for posterity I did write down all the words I saw first and now present you with the seven themes I’ve decided the universe has handed to me to focus on for the next year of my life.

  1. Friends
  2. Commitment
  3. Solitude
  4. Romance
  5. Alignment
  6. Strength
  7. Breakthrough

They uh, hit! Felt real apropos.

First up, friends.

I gotta get myself out there and try to forge some new connections and meet some people (she says for the nth year in a row, but I like really mean it this time). Especially now that I’m someone who walks through the world with even an inkling of knowledge about how I want to be/deserve to be treated. For a very very long time, I have just been so grateful to have any hint of friendship that I’ve (unfortunately, very willingly) allowed myself to be a doormat.

I feel like I’ve gotten really clear on my expectations from any future romantic partner, and I think friendship is so fucking important and it’s time to get just as clear about what I expect from myself in terms of friendship.

Also, I’m nothing if not a big personality, and shrinking it has done me no good, so I’m done! I think “nice to a fault” me deserves a cushy retirement because she’s done her job and can now fuck off and let the actual me with boundaries and too many opinions about everything live, thrive & survive or whatever.


I want to follow through on all the commitments I’ve made to myself. I’m really good at following up on my commitments to other people and I’ve never met a deadline I didn’t hit. But in terms of showing up for things that only benefit me or require some effort that I get to only aim at myself is hard. I proved to myself last year that the tank is bigger and more full than I may have initially realized, and following through on things that are just for me is actually a great way to practice love and care for myself.


Feels like that really sums it up. I like spending time with myself, I’ve made better friends with my brain this year. I want to continue being really happy with my alone time and prioritize recharging in ways that allow me to fill my spirit back up.


Oh wowowow am I down for some romance in the next 12 months.

Not just relationship-wise—though certainly that too.

I want to be romanced, adored, and I’m looking for sweet thoughts and lots of effort on both sides in life.

I think romanticizing my life is a great start. Taking time to do things. Literally curling up with a book and some tea. Being in silence and doing absolutely nothing. Continuing to go on walks and taking pictures of flowers, of details, of the little joys around my neighborhood that other people have shared because it brings them joy.

I think I want to fall in love with the world again. I spend a lot of time at work talking about how humans are generally good people trying their best and I want to really believe that in my core and keep creating the most generous stories to explain behaviors I don’t immediately understand.

(Also, just putting it out to the universe that if a potential romantic partner would like to surprise me with flowers, I will monitor them heavily and place them behind the closed bathroom door lest they become Weem food.) (Going with the whole “I only want to date someone who is madly in love with me” vibe for next year - dates have to happen, but I don’t want to spend a lot of time worrying about the in-between parts. I want someone who isn’t shy about wanting me back, y’know?)


Doing things with intention means that I get to check if my actions are in alignment with my overall actual goals in life.

Also I’m becoming lightly obsessed with ergonomics and posture so…seems fitting!


I want to focus on having a lot more resolve and calm in the new year. I’ve always worn my emotions as a big flashing bright sign and while I think knowing myself so well is a definite strength, having some ability to express them at appropriate times would be great.

Also in terms of literal strength, I bought some hand weights and every time I pick them up I think of the Drew Barrymore SNL short.


I think I want to do a lot less inner work and do a lot more work out in the world. I want to really be of service in whatever ways I can, including things like volunteering and canvassing. But I also want to view making art as a service and continue to take my writing more seriously.

I want to finish stuff this year. I want to go to a hell of a lot more museums and read books that I’ve been meaning to tackle for years.

I want to have fun more than anything else. I’m at my best when I’m my silliest goofiest self coming up with schemes and buying tickets to go see fun shit in this city I pay a lot of money to live in.


The other side is visible!

The more time I spend pushing myself to grow the more I realize how much better my life is when I broaden it, developing and maturating without fear or apology.

I really tried to track down those word searches, but the internet is simply too vast. I did find some other ones though so I hope you find your words & get inspired to keep livin’ life (as safely as we can because all we have is each other fuck Southwest and greedy corporations forever) in 2023!!!!