Ep 1. Wildly Long Winded Journaling Advice

or: there's no wrong way to journal

Today’s the day! The sun is shining, the tank is clean, and we are uploading the inaugural episode of the Smoke Show podcast!

In this episode I talk about journaling, how it’s helped me get through the last few months, and my best tips and encouragements for anyone who wants to start. But, tbh, in the words of the most brilliant marketer Nike ever hired: just do it.

Not interested in listening to me chatter about journaling but want the advice? I’ve got ya!

  1. You can write about anything! Literally anything. It doesn’t have to make sense, it doesn’t have to be linear, it can be boring, nonsensical, riddled with syntax and grammar errors, it truly does not matter what matters is that you put something on the page.
  2. Set an attainable goal and then build. One sentence, one paragraph, one page, give yourself the lowest bar you possibly can and then enjoy clearing it easily.
  3. Give yourself a system — figure out when you have time that you can set aside/carve out, time how long it takes you to get through your goal, and then wedge it on in every day.
  4. Find a journal you love (but won’t be too precious about) and the pen that works best for you. Want to fill up pages and get that soul satisfaction faster? Use a thicker pen!
  5. It’s okay if you don’t think you’re a writer, you can still totally do this. Rarely are we asked to express ourselves in whatever form of writing feels best in a reflective sense for an audience of no one, and it can feel like there’s still someone somewhere judging what we have on the page—but that’s not true! Writing in a journal is just for you, and it’s a great way to get to know yourself, your emotions, and it’s really fucking fun to have a book full of your own thoughts!
  6. If you find it hard to start, give yourself a set opening line. Just keep moving the pen after!

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