Podcast Ep 4. Fyre Fest & The Power Of Cool Girls or: influencer marketing is and always has been a scam
Newsletter #54 - Accidentally Rasputining People or: over explaning my anxiety actually just makes it worse
Podcast Ep 3. Happy Anniversary Folklore! or: talking about Taylor Swift, but not so much about the music
Newsletter #53 - Stray is a very sweet little video game or: combat is, in fact, not a replacement for conflict
Podcast Ep 2. Let's Talk About MTV or: reality television producers must be held accountable for their crimes
Newsletter #51 - If you give a girl a drill... or: wanting the pb teen rotary phone was my entire personality when I was 13
Newsletter #50 - Five Ways I Found Joy Today or: you can take away my bodily autonomy apparently but you cannot take away my jubilation!
Newsletter #48 - It's Good That Al Franken Resigned, Actually or: predators don't belong in the highest offices of power babes
Newsletter #41 - Bring Back Commentary Tracks or: how else am I supposed to demonstrate the depths of my weirdly specific needs for knowledge?
Newsletter #37 - My Trips To The Grocery Store or: i deserve a little treat, and this morning it was a kinder bueno
Newsletter #36 - No but like...the Marvel movies are actually really bad or: maybe it's not good that all of the leading men do roids and have thinly veiled eating disorders? and then lie about it?