Ep 4. Fyre Fest & The Power Of Cool Girls

or: influencer marketing is and always has been a scam

The timely pop culture takes continue with an hour long chat about the dueling Fyre Fest documentaries. You may be saying to yourself “wait didn’t those come out like three years ago?” and the answer is, chyeah they did but I still have a lot of opinions about Fuck Jerry’s thinly veiled rehabilitative documentary to parse out in live time on a microphone babeyyy!

(I also get to have a fun moment of self-reflection about standom and the Climate Criminal, Taylor Swift.)

Who is responsible for due diligence, why is Instagram so uniquely good for scam artists, and is this the last gasp of millennials being at the absolute center of pop culture? Some scams are, in fact, worse and more harmful than others! The Theranos trial should have been about medical malpractice but it was instead about War Criminals R Us getting their millions back that they unduly invested in a company they should have been wildly more skeptical about!

Gaslit Nation episode about Jan 6th Trials

Sarah Kendzior’s book Hiding In Plain Sight (this book is truly the most insightful text about how our political system got so corrupt, one of the most haunting and important texts I’ve ever read)

Fuck Fuck Jerry

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