Ep 17. Journaling pt. 2 (ft. Meg!)

or: wow me and my sister really ARE alike in some ways

This week I had my sister on to talk all about journaling! What it’s allowed us to know about ourselves, how we journal (and where and when and with what materials), why our posture matters, headspaces to get into, scribble journaling, putting our phones on do not disturb, and how we can comprehend the idea that time isn’t linear.

We laughed, we cried, we wrote a lot, and managed to find compassion and give ourselves the best opportunities to grow!

(We used to have to look for content & things to consume and now things want to consume us. Oh no!)

Twelve (point five) Journaling Prompts To Try

  1. What did you do today?

  2. How are you? No really, how are you?

  3. Where’s the most comfortable place you sat today?

  4. What are you not protecting right now?

  5. The thing I know I did for other people today is…

  6. I want to give myself credit for…

  7. I love ___ about myself

  8. A cool thing I saw today is ___

  9. The thing I feel people don’t get right now is ___

  10. I hope they know ___

  11. I’m angry about ___

  12. I’m really anxious about ___

    1. (Now what does my calm and centered self think about ___)

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A Letter To Myself Six Months Ago - (& subscribe to my Substack!)

Elizabeth Gilbert on Journaling - Glennon Doyle’s podcast

The Extended Mind by Anna Murphy Paul

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari (and check out the interview on WNYC that made me go immediately get this book!)

Breath: The new science of a lost art - Book

Split linear curved keyboard - YouTube Video