Ep 12. Lance Armstrong & The Culture Of Cheating

or: time to talk about sports I guess??

We’re doin’ it y’all, it’s finally the day to talk about Lance Armstrong, his pedagogy when it came to doping, the legacy of PED’s across all sports, why I can’t stand men who know the dangers of American Football but then shrug at their continued desire to watch it, and how state sponsored doping is waaaaay more common than we think.

Plus! The trickle down of ‘roids culture from Gym Shark to Bachelor In Paradise, why I think there should be a league for people who dope, and a teeny tiny bit about Crossfit because I just can’t help myself! And I didn’t even get into Betsy Andreu and Lance’s whole thing so, there’s even more to say somehow about that and the culture of intimidation but also just like…Lance’s very clear use of misogyny to discredit his accusers is clearly evident throughout his coverup.

Also at one point I say “russian gymnasts” but I’m talking about the Figure Skaters. (Nothing like doing a podcast to make me aware of how little I emphasize the subject of a sentence!)

Also I didn’t get to talk about Michele Ferrari’s outfits at all but I just want you to know that I want to steal every single one of the jackets that man wore in the 90s and early 2000’s.

Icarus documentary on Netflix

Stop At Nothing: The Lance Armstrong Story documentary on Amazon

The Festina Affair - Wikipedia

Report on the abuses within US Womens Soccer - NYT Article

Victor Conte - How Olympians Beat Drug Tests - YouTube

The Problem With Gym Shark - YouTube

Concerns about Russia’s Figure Skating Team - Vox Article

Tyler Hamilton Q&A about Doping - YouTube Video (long one, like an hour)

Podcast with Chellsie Memmel about Strength & Conditioning as an adult gymnast

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