#134 - Go, Ghost!

#134 - Go, Ghost!
Like Peter Jackson with the Get Back documentary, I will also participate in rewriting history to be more accurate to the reality of the impact human emotion and things left unsaid.

Well, we're here now instead of Substack. Because that #othersite made a real fucking weirdo statement about how they didn't like Nazi's but wouldn't ban them from the platform, and frankly, despite the fact that I don't monetize this newsletter and therefore they weren't making any skim-off-the-top money from me, I've been on the internet long enough to know that I have no interest in being at the 10 people at a dinner party + 1 Nazi = 11 Nazi's at a dinner party equation.

Just like, full stop, real easy principle. I don't support Nazi's. Don't support genocide in general. Certainly don't support those who support genocide. And recently been very much steering clear of language that reinforces oppressor vs. oppressed dynamics!

So. Here we are on Ghost, a site I will inevitably be toying with and finalizing color schemes with, etc.

But yeah, bummer about the Substack. I liked the interface and it was free! This site is not free. So, we'll see how it goes. The subscription is low enough that I might just chalk it up to a ~self investment. Anyway, welcome! So glad to have you here.

If you want more, subscribe! New newletters on the first of the month, and whenever I feel like sending them otherwise. But there will always be 52 a year!