Podcast Ep 16. Cult Talk (NXIVM, The Vow, and Seduced) or: i've just seen too many cult docs and needed to talk about them
Newsletter #70 - Well, twitter certainly didn't take all that long to implode or: you must be this tall to run for congress
Newsletter #68 - Rabbit Rabbit Babes, Time For Smug Season or: i've had two cups of coffee and it's not even 7am yet let's do this
Newsletter #67 - Separating the Artist from their Fandom or: this is mostly about BTS and tayla swiff
Podcast Ep 14. People Aren't Tally Points or: the flattening & heightening of language might be eroding our ability to communicate
Newsletter #64 - A case for fun tech: one year later or: still waitin' for that clamshell iBook re-release (you cowards)
Podcast Ep. 10 The Try Guys & Thoughts On Cheating or: wife guys, reputations, and the being the main character on the internet
Newsletter #61 - I’m so mad about the MTA dropping their mask mandate or: say it with me now, the cruelty is the point apparently
Podcast Ep 9. Why I Stopped Reading Snark & Deleted My Instagram or: a non-judgemental account of how far into the internet i fell
Podcast Ep. 8 I'm not a housewife, but I am...real or: women in their 60s getting drunk and being friends is really important television, actually
Newsletter #59 - Changing The Duvet Covers or: can't control my cats yacks but i can control my attitude