#192 - The Future As We See It or: belief is the most important part of the recipe when you think about it
#191 - Smoke Show Theatre Reviews | Urinetown or: we were compelled to midtown so i am compelled to write about it
#190 - Learning To Ask Questions or: not having the answer when called on is my biggest fear, actually
#188 - Oscar Nominations & You or: liveblogging the social network nominations in 2011 was a real thing i did
#184 - The Workout Videos of 2025 or: a long-term aspirational project starting on January 2nd? Surely not, no!
#182 - Rothkos & Electric Woes Row Row Row into: The Twelve Days of Smokemas Day 12(!) | We Made It!!!!! or: high high high merry smokemas
#181 - Mopped Floors & Fully Finished Chores sweep into your inbox with: The Twelve Days of Smokemas Day 11 | Deep Cleaning my Apartment or: i h8 piles 😘
#180 - Hot Coffee & Croissants are chuffed to chat about: The Twelve Days of Smokemas Day 10 | Asking for Directions in NYC or: literally just don't stop at the top of the steps
#179 - Cat Naps & Coffee confidently confer: The Twelve Days of Smokemas Day 9 | Changing the Cats Litter Box or: hey that's the score Elle Woods got on her LSAT
#178 - Vape Pens & Vintage Stores vault into Friday vvith: The Twelve Days of Smokemas Day 8 | Dream Handbags and Where To Find Them or: bag lady
#177 - String Beans & Chardonnay are stoked to scribe: The Twelve Days of Smokemas Day 7 | How I Want to Feel in 2k25 or: a slightly new approach to goal setting
#176 - Spice Boxes and the Pink Snake sneak into your inbox with: The Twelve Days of Smokemas Day 6 | Dive Bars on a Rainy Night or: political discussions with a side of salt&vinegar fries
#175 - Seasonal Bevs & Spliff Walks send forth: The Twelve Days of Smokemas Day 5 | Light Walks and Christmas Playlists or: << mike wazowski voice >> put that michael bublé on or so help me
#174 - Mountain Dew & Movie Theater Popcorn merrily mount: The Twelve Days of Smokemas Day 4 | Wicked (Pt.1) Review or: formally begging regal cinemas to sell diet coke now
#173 - Double Flat Whites & Pinner Spliffs are proud to publish: The Twelve Days of Smokemas Day 3 | Free Facilitation Advice for Comedy Show Hosts or: you have to thank the audience for making the effort to come out, actually
#172 - Iced Lattes & Bong Rips are buzzed to bring you: The Twelve Days Of Smokemas Day 2 | Reality TV is just Like That Now or: self-awareness is detrimental to the operations of the panopticon
#171 - Diet Coke & Weed Pens would like to present: The Twelve Days Of Smokemas Day 1 | End Of Year Essay Extravaganza or: hit! that! deadline!