#127 - Good morning! Have you voted in your local election today?

or: go be a voter babeeeey

#127 - Good morning! Have you voted in your local election today?

Hi there! If your state is having elections today, this is your reminder to GO VOTE!

Local elections matter SO MUCH and voting is literally one of the easiest ways we uphold democracy & our commitment to being active citizens in our communities.

I love voting, I really do. I love it sooo much it’s such a rush to fill out my little ballot and feed it into the machine. Could it be better? Yes! But it will only improve if we elect public officials who will MAKE IT BETTER!

It's fun! It's usually fast! (And if it's not fast, that's voter impression tactics at work and that should radicalize you!) It's so easy all the work has already been done FOR you besides filling out the little bubbles!

I know, I know there is a lot of “what does voting really get us anyway” sentiments kicking around the United States right now and I get it. But this isn’t a federal election, this is for state supreme courts, for city councils, for smaller LOCAL candidates.

This is when our voice matters most! It’s such an incredible gift to live somewhere where we have free elections and I, for one, love gifts!!

Text your friends, tell your neighbors, bring a buddy! Make a plan, be enthusiastic about it!

Tell your friends your plans! Making plans increases your likelihood of voting by SO MUCH! I usually go right when they open but overslept my alarm so alt plan to the rescue!

Making plans with your friends or having an accountability buddy is soooo helpful. Two years ago I had a weird morning on election day because my ex was moving out of my apartment, and I literally forced myself to go vote (puffy crying face and all) because I knew I was hanging out with my friend later and couldn’t bear the disappointment I knew would radiate from her if I hadn’t.

So my guilt complex came in handy that one time, at least! All that is to say, I don’t care if your ~motivations~ around going to vote aren’t ~pure~. Your vote still counts anyway!!

&& Remember to thank your poll workers! (I got a little too sincere/earnest with one of mine but I’m not gonna even feel weird about it I think poll workers are heroes! Especially right now!)

Enjoy your free pen & sticker!

Be a voter babe!!!